In this Reed Review, I will be releasing the outcome of a recent interview I conducted on what their favorite cookies are. There are so many types of cookies in the world and almost all of the people at Walter Reed probably have eaten a cookie before. If you like cookies, you might get some inspiration for the next box you get somewhere! If you don’t like cookies, maybe you could try some of the cookies that other people say are good. I hope you like cookies, though, because they’re really good.
These are the results from 29 students interviewed recorded using tally marks:
Chocolate Chip cookies - IIIII (5)
Lemon cookies - IIIIIIIIII (10)
Vanilla cookies - IIIII (5)
Plain cookies - IIIIIIIII (9)
These are not the only cookies people mentioned, there are also other cookies that people like: almond cookies, white chocolate chip cookies, M&M-covered cookies, oreo cookies, and animal cookies.
Cookies are a very important part of life, and eating them is a good way to get a tiny bit of sugar if you ever need it. A lot of people seemed to like the lemon type. Enjoy your next cookie!
-Kelly Puhawan ‘20