The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’s best game yet.
Today is my first game review for the RR (Reed Review.) This is one of the best games of 2018 and may be a competitor to the Batman Arkham game series!
WINS: In this game you play as The Amazing Spider-Man in the story, you have to stop villains from destroying New York, like in a normal Spiderman movie which feels both good and simple at the same time. In the gameplay, the Web-Swinging feels fantastic and fun to get by and combat feels great and doesn’t feel like another button masher. It’s satisfying to make your own combos and allows you to be creative with how you finish off the enemies, and the city feels alive too, and doing the side activities are fun to do also.
LOSES: This may be the best Spider-Man game out right now, but it does have its flaws. It’s bosses feel short, easy, and repetitive even when I die sometimes even in the final boss, and the stealth sections are when you play as two other characters in the game are a hit or miss.
VERDICT: This is the perfect Spiderman since Spiderman 2 but the flaws don’t exactly make it the game of the year type, where it could have a lot done than it could have but proves its worthiness of a great-open world video game.
SCORE: 8.5/10
-Malachi Granger-Bell '20