On September 28, 2019, Minecon Live aired on all streaming platforms. With it, we were given some information about the next Java Edition update: Minecraft 1.16. If you want to learn about all these new features, keep on reading. This next update is going to be a big one.
First are the new biomes. The mountains will now get “snowier snow”, meaning you will sink in certain snow. Goats will also be added. Not much is known about the new update. But, we will probably get a new snapshot to try it out. There will also be an update to the Nether. There will be the new Soul Sand Valley and the Netherwart forest. The Soul Sand Valley will include blue fire and, of course, soul sand. There will also be soul soil, which can be used to create blue fire torches and blue lanterns. The Valley will also be infested with skeletons. There will also be the Crimson Forest and the Warped Forest. Both will include tons of Endermen.
Mobs will also be in the new update. The first of these mobs is the Piglin. The Piglin is a hostile mob with a few interesting traits. One is if the player is wearing gold armor, the mobs will be passive. The second trait is if you throw gold at them, they will entice to trade with you. The Piglin will spawn with a chest nearby that will usually have gold inside. They will also attack when you try to take the goods. There will also be the Hoglin. These creature will be neutral mobs and drop rotten flesh when slain.
But, the most interesting thing is the newest ore. This is Ancient Debris. It is found deep down in the Nether. It can be put in a blast furnace to make Netherite Scrap. When combined with 4 pieces of gold, you will make one SINGLE piece of Netherite. This can be used with diamond tools, weapons, and armor to make them stronger, more durable, and, best of all, indestructible to fire.
In conclusion, the update will be a massive one and a needed one. The Nether needs some new things. So, for them to make an update dedicated to this world, it really makes Minecraft more interesting.
-Kai Schaid '22