Some of our students auditioned and were accepted in the SCSBOA All-Southern Honor Jazz Band and Honor Orchestra. MacGyver Cottrell will be playing 1st trombone and Daniel Wijedasa will be playing baritone saxophone in All-Southern Jazz Band. Seventh grader Brian Sang and 6th grader Nicholas Lee will be in the violin section for the All-Southern Orchestra. SCSBOA is the professional music education organization for Southern California. The students who will be performing with the honor groups will perform at the SCSBOA conference next year representing Walter Reed.
-Mr. Rosen
Quotes from our OUTSTANDING Musicians:
Daniel: “The music program here is absolutely amazing and provided so many opportunities.”
Brian: “Mr. Rosen really helped me develop my skills. Thanks to his help, I got this far and made it into SCSBOA.”
Nicholas: “Mr. Rosen really teaches us in order for our whole orchestra. SCSBOA was a hard task and took lots of effort, so getting in was a big deal for me.”
Macgyver: “It’s hard to believe that after just abpiy 2 years I was 1st for trombone in a state band. This will be an amazing experience that will carry me into the endless sea of music.”