So, on the 22nd of May, there was a huge showing of STRAWS during fifth period. Around half the school attended the showing in the auditorium, along with a guest speaker, Jackie Nunez, the founder of The Last Plastic Straw. The documentary was on the short side, and was about the usage of plastic, in particular plastic straws. Plastic straws are some of the biggest problems we have on the planet, and the production of them needs to be stopped, or slowed down in the near future. The Last Plastic Straw is a group that is committed to getting restaurants around the U.S. to give plastic straws only by request, and if requested, to give paper straws rather than plastic. It also showcased how plastic and littering in general can hurt wildlife, and they showed people this by showing a video that went viral on a sea turtle, which was wild, that got a plastic straw stuck in its nostril. So, now that you know about this, here are some cool alternatives on how to avoid plastic straws:
1. Use different straws, like paper, wheat, or even edible seaweed straws.
2. Ask your favorite restaurant to stop giving plastic straws out with each drink, and persuade them to switch to paper.
3. Just stop using straws all the time! If you need it for some reason or another, that’s okay; but most of the time it’s just habit!
-Shahan Oshagan, ‘21