Vinland Saga is an anime based on the manga written by Makoto Yukimura and produced by the same studio that made Attack on Titan, Wit Studio. This is about a story of Thorfinn who goes on a journey with a group of vikings to challenge Askeladd, the leader of the same vikings Thorfinn is traveling in a duel to seek revenge after Thorfinn sees him kill his father 10 years ago.
Vinland Saga is a simple yet compelling anime and takes inspiration from viking stories, legends, mythology, and historical events. It takes things from those elements but twists it up some, so don’t expect this show to be some kind of study guide for a history test.
The Story is like I’ve said, simple yet compelling. It’s a revenge story but it’s so well done as there is conflict, turmoil, character development, and depth. The action in Vinland Saga can be chaotic, destructive, and bloody, well of course it is because this is an anime about vikings, but it’s one of the things that I enjoy. The animation is Vinland Saga is great but sometimes, the quality will drop and it doesn’t quite capture some of the spirit and detail that the manga had. Maybe since this is produced by the same studio that made Attack on Titan, and they’re making the last season of that show, maybe they’re trying to save up more for Attack on Titan so they could go out with a bang. I don’t blame them really, but I wish for it to get better.
Vinland Saga is a great anime/manga that you should watch, since season one is finished, I hope this strives for more in the future.
-Malachi Granger-Bell '20